Note not all users have the same permissions and availability to edit content. Please review the Site Roles or contact CIRES IT if you require higher permissions on your site.
Once logged in you can browse through the site within the preview area below the menu. While navigating you can then select the ‘edit’ tab at any time to edit that specific page. It looks something similar to the following:
Administration Nav bar
When logged in to your Drupal site you will generally see a ‘Administrative Nav bar’ on top of your screen ( depending on your browser window size and potentially your site options - it could be on the left hand side. )

Using Drupal’s content filtering page to find content
If you need to search and filter through the content on the website to find a specific item:
- Select the ‘content’ link at the top of the admin menu
- You will be taken to a full list of all the content on the site. Note you may search the title or filter by content type to find what you are looking for.
- Select ‘edit’ to edit this content or select the title to view the content