Logging in
Logging in
Note, you must have an existing account on your website which is tied to the CU LDAP
aka your identikey username
. If you are in need of an account please reach out to ciresithelp@colorado.edu and please provide your identikey username
, CU email address
, as well as your full name.
- While on the CU VPN, browse to “admin-cires.colorado.edu/user @ or ‘your-site-name.edu/user’
- Use your CU Identikey username and password
- You will now be logged in and may begin making edits and new content.
Note that Drupal ALWAYS has a login that utilizes the ‘/user’ path
Depending on your editing needs, you will be assigned a role type. Each role has varying degrees of permissions on the site.
Creating Event Content
Using the administrative toolbar, hover over ‘Content’ then select → ‘Add new Content’ → ‘Event’
Filling in the Event content field
- Event Date → When is your Event and when does it start?
- Event Date End → When does your Event end?
Note that if you would like to display a Duration on your event ( e.g. the event lasts 2 hours ) simply set your end date for the same day / month / year value as your start date but increase the hours by 2. If your event does not need an end date simply leave it blank.
- Give your Event a title, note if it is an event that recurs and there are multiple events with the same name, please add in a month and year to delineate this event.
Example: Instead of ‘CMC Meeting’ as the title, ‘CMC, August 2023’ is a much better title since we need to consider a list of ALL CMC meetings being available and all of them being ‘CMC Meeting’ is not helpful for users.
- Body → Write about your event. - NOTE, if you have any actionable links, instead of placing them inline within your body text, please use the ‘Link’ option detailed below.
- Paragraphs → Generally, Events won’t need ‘paragraphs’ - but should you need to embed a video or add some more visual content on your event you may utilize any of the following:
- Accordion: Add content within a titled and expanding accordion
- Block Quote: add a quote to your event
- Contact: Add a custom contact
- Content Reference: Reference a piece of content on the site
- Gallery: Add a custom gallery to your event
- Image: Add an image to your event
- Video: Add a video to your event
Metadata & Contacts
- Display on → Should this event story display a referenced landing page?
- Room Building → Where is this event taking place?
- Links → Add links to this event
The next set of fields are for categorization and sorting purposes, be as specific as possible attempting to only select one tick box under each field but it’s fine if you need to select multiple for your event.
- Availability → Is this event open to the public?
- Host → Who is hosting this event?
- People Reference → Profiles to display in the info box for the event
- Audience → Who is the audience for this event?
- Event Type → What type of event is this?