For most of our CIRES employees, you are allocated a CU Email ( and, depending on your affiliation, an email. However, some employees that were provided with an email were never provided with an mailbox and have all of their messages are forwarded to their email. This guide will help you determine if you have a valid mailbox and how to request one if one does not exist.
Step 1 - Login to Office365
Browse to, enter your, click Next, enter your IdentiKey password and click Sign in.
Step 2 - Open App Drawer
Click on app drawer in the top left corner (grid of nine dots)
Step 3 - Find Outlook App
Look for the Outlook icon under the Apps section. If you see it then you were provisioned an office 365 mailbox, and by clicking on the Outlook icon you can see your email directly in your browser.
If you don't see an outlook icon, you were not provisioned a email box and one will have to be created. To have this mailbox created please call 303-735-4357 (5-HELP) or asking for your mailbox to be provisioned and please be sure to provide your Identikey username.
Missing Email / Redirection Issues
If you are able to open Outlook but you don't see any email in your mailbox, this most likely means that your email is being forwarded. You can turn off email forwarding by logging in to, clicking Manage My Email and Calendar Services and Changing your Email and Calendar Service to Office365.

If this tool does not work or throws an error please call 303-735-4357 (5-HELP) or asking for your forwarding to be turned off.
Hidden Forwarding
Need Additional Help?
Please contact CIRES IT with any question or comments you may have.
Phone: 303-735-4200
Main Office: CIRES 216