Holiday Leave Guidance 2024

Written By CIRES IT (Super Administrator)

Updated at December 16th, 2024

CU Boulder leadership has given employees three days of administrative leave* this season December 27, 30, 31*.  If the governor should issue an additional governor’s holiday for this period, that will replace one of the administrative leave days already granted.

Please note that the CIRES printed calendars have incorrect dates. Please use the dates contained here.

*Prorated for part-time employees. 

**NOAA-embedded employees still follow the federal holiday schedule with the addition of three days to be taken December 27-31 (three days total). Please note there are always slight differences in the holiday schedule for campus and NOAA (eg, this year, campus-based employees have November 29 and December 26 as a holiday; NOAA-based employees do not.) 

Some details:

  • Eligible employees: This additional time off applies to all leave-eligible CIRES employees regardless of work location.
  • Funding source: The funding for this leave will come from each individual’s current salary funding source. 
  • Recording time: Employees should record the time as “Administrative Leave”.
  • CIRES administration & campus operations: We expect CIRES administrative offices to be closed starting November 28 through November 29, and the December 25 – January 1, given campus holidays already in place—please plan accordingly. Campus-wide operations will also be closed at these times.
  • Alternate administrative leave: People who must work those days will be allowed to flex time off – please work with your supervisor to determine if flex time is necessary. These employees and their supervisors should find alternate days (by June 30, 2025) on which our employees can use this leave based on the scheduling needs in their unit or department.

If you have any questions about the above information, please contact Thank you and enjoy your well-deserved extra leave!