Not all content types utilize paragraphs
Paragraphs are blocks of content such as a list, images, slideshow, a view of referenced content, etc. that you may position on the page you are creating. There are ‘sidebar’ paragraphs that are specific to the sidebar region as well as standard ‘paragraphs’ which display within your content or in the case of news, footer paragraphs for content.
In our example here we will use the ‘sidebar paragraph’ option found on landing pages. To learn more about landing pages please review the CIRES Content Types docs.
Tip! Always be on the lookout for ‘options’ and additional tabs within paragraphs. Often times they will have subtle layout options to further customize your paragraph
1.) On either an existing landing page - or - a new landing page scroll down to find the ‘Sidebar Paragraphs’ field. Select the dropdown arrow on this field and see that is has multiple options, e.g. add content reference, list , text block, file, etc.

2.) Once you have selected a paragraph type, let’s use a List paragraph as our example, you will then be given specific fields for the List Paragraph and even have access to an ‘options’ tab if they exist on that paragraph type.

3.) Another example, the Button Paragraph while not having extra options, displays fields specific to your new button, the URL, alt text for screen readers, a title for the button, if it is an external link or not as well as a short helpful description if the button calls for it. Fill the fields out on your new paragraph and select save. Your new paragraph will display on your page

4.) You may re-order these paragraphs after they have been created using the ‘grabbing’ icon on the left-hand side of any paragraph to click and drag them into the preferred order.
Once you’re ready to begin adding paragraphs, learn more about our full list of paragraph types.
Nested Paragraphs
On our landing page content type there are options for what we’ll call ‘Nested Paragraphs’. Meaning that you can create a ‘Tab Group’ which then allows you to add tabs within them.
For the example below we’ll use the ‘tab group’:
1.) Add a new tab group paragraph
2.) Add paragraphs within the tab group, note that you must give each tab a name
3.) save.
Note that not ALL paragraph types are available within nested paragraphs, wouldn’t want to have tab groups within tab groups within columns etc. Always aim to keep our layouts simple as possible.
Deleting Paragraphs
You may have accidentally added a paragraph OR simply wish to remove one. To do so:
1.) find the 3 vertical dots on the top-right of any paragraph

Select these dots and then select ‘Remove’.